About Cultural Tourism in Croatia

In Croatia cultural tourism is more and more intensively occupying the attention not only of employees in tourism, but also in culture. A number of conferences, meetings and workshops are increasingly devoting a part of their program to cultural tourism, and its development is approached systematically, creating a cultural tourism development strategy and its implementation through the Office for cultural tourism and the Association of Cultural Tourism within Croatian Chamber of Commerce. The development of cultural tourism, the tourism sector tends, by enriching the tourist offer to overcome the structural problems of Croatian tourism, such as the strong seasonality and geographic concentration of demand along the Adriatic coast, while the interest in the cultural sector in the financial effects arising from its effective inclusion in the tourist industry. Tourists classified as "cultural tourists" - seems to have income much higher than the average tourist, and they spend more money on holidays (not only for cultural purposes, but on the whole trip). Development of cultural tourism is particularly important for those destinations that do not have their own image or the image is not enough built to be recognized in the market. WTO predicts an increase in demand in the sector of cultural tourism by 15% annually until 2020, and the market sector scope of the business of EUR 50 billion per year. If you are interested in this topic you can find more information in this PDF: Cultural Tourism in Croatia after the Implementation of the Strategy of Development of Cultural Tourism.
The term "cultural tourism" appeared as a "new" type of tourism in 70s, although in retrospect we realize that travel motivated by visiting events, famous buildings and works of art existed in ancient times, and has continued to the present day where is recognized as one of the subspecies of special interest tourism.
In the first place the question of how much is title "cultural tourism" appropriate - whether the attribute "cultural" in the true sense of the word reflects the complexity of the term, and whether it was correct in general. The concept of cultural tourism is generally applied to trips that include visits to cultural resources, regardless of the initial motivation. This term has been limited so far as it overlooks an important element in tourism, and that is "fun". The most important aspects of cultural tourism can be summarized in six points - management culture for tourism, the effects of culture on tourism, the impact of tourism on culture destinations, destination image perception by potential tourists, consumption of cultural tourists and cultural impact of tourism on tourists.
Cultural tourism is a genre of special interest tourism which is based on the investigation to participate in new and noteworthy cultural experiences, whether aesthetic, intellectual, emotional or psychological. Cultural tourism is a form of tourism whose purpose, among other things, is the discovery of monuments and sites. For this reason, cultural tourism positive effects on the same extent that contributes to their maintenance and preservation.